DCM Is Underway with Dr. J. Eldon Neihof, Sr.

Dr. Neihof opened camp meeting Friday night with a profound passionate message about the need for revival at home, at the church and in our Nation. He asked all to "let the need for revival start with YOU". Following the service and an alter call with great background singing from the Hammer/Vatral singers supported by the camp orchestra, many moved to the alter to accept Dr. Neihof's call to "let revival start with them".  After the inspirational service, camp goers moved to the Dining Hall to enjoy good food and great fellowships. Twas was another great night at the Holy Grounds at Douglas Camp Meeting.

Praising The Lord Day Two

Jim and Sue Hammer, their daughter Rebecca , Dave and Karen Vatral and Debbie Cnossen and Nancy Borden on the grand piano's, backed up by the great camp orchestra nearly raised the rafters through the roof -top setting the stage for Dr. Neihof's Saturday night message of Redemption and Salvation. Dr. Neihof "stressed --don't put it off, deal with your sins now and let God help you deal with the sins that you can't resolve directly". The evening service closed with the great gospel hymn " Just as I am -Without one plea".  
President Jack Cnossen welcomes everyone Rebecca Hammer (center) joins the family song leaders Dr. Neihof and his wife Agnes enjoy the song leaders Dr. Neihof pleas for everyone to find Salvation If you like gospel music-DCM is the place to be Come Just As you are-God wants YOU Dave Vatral meets with Laptop Team

Sunday Morning Son Shines at Douglas Camp

President Jack Cnossen opened the service with a wonderful "hark-back" to life at Camp Douglas when he was eight years old. Jack spoke about the need to raise $50,000 as our share of the dining hall project. The condemed building will be torn down right after camp meeting. One group has already pledged $30,000 toward the total cost. Jack ask all to pray about what God would have them give to help with our $50,000 share of the overall cost of the new multi purpose dining and conference building.
Dr. Neihof opened his preaching with a reminder that God is good-all the time. He then served up the third (R) of camp meeting. Day one was "Revival". Day two was Repent and today was a God inspired lively dose of " Rejoice in the Lord-Always". He reminded all that you can rejoice and find joy by trusting in the Lord, in good and in bad times. Many left the tabernacle rejoicing while heading to the old dining hall to enjoy the traditional Sunday Pot Luck Dinner with friends. Mindful that Dr. Neihof had reminded all in the morning service "that it is important to have friends and to enjoy friendships but the one friend you need the most is Jesus. He will never forsake you".
It was another day of wonderful memories and friendships renewed at the Pot Luck Luncheon featuring everyone's finest receipe's.  
Song leaders lead the praise on Sunday Hands Raise To-You are my KING We love you Lord President Cnossen addresses the crowd Dr. Neihof reminds all to Rejoice in the Lord The McCabe Family, Ryan, Christine and Elloit, age 7, enjoy the service Dr. Neihof with Bud and Ruth Jim, our sound man makes music beuatiful Nancy Borden and Deb Cnossen are key players Great preaching and good fellowship God loves happy Christians A happy moment outside the tabernacle Resting under the pines with friends It's true -cellphones allowed on the camp grounds Teens play Foosball before dinner Preparing to serve the multitudes Nothing like a little workout before the Pot Luck Lunch Dr. Neihof waits outside the old dining hall with friends And the topic is-I remember when.......... We love the Lord And we always will...... Deb and Jack Cnossen prove Pot Luck is Good Luck Phill Butts, left and Dick Lamont discuss God's Holy Work at Douglas Don't tell anyone-Linda is inside ringing the old bell Mother and son share a hug Todd Sawyer with his sons Jordan and Brad and daughter Brianna pause under the pines Pot Luck must be ready as the line is long Everyone loves pot luck luncheon's -the choices are endless Friends-Fellowship-Food-you get it all at DCM Linda and Kathy spent their teen years at DCM.Oh what memories they must be sharing Even the gardens are beautiful at DCM. Stop by and see for yourself

Regeneration and Redemption is part of God's plan for Carnal Man

President Jack opened Sunday night’s service with a reading from Acts Chapter 8 and Dr. Neihof followed with a God inspired sermon based on First Corinthians. He spoke in-depth about the sins in the early church by the natural man and the carnal man and the differences between the sins of a natural man and a carnal man. He went onto emphasize that “a spiritual man has the spirit in his fullness, grows in his Christian relationships, is outwardly clean, does not sin and lives a life of purity and holiness.
 He noted “the spiritual man also has peace with God and lives a life of victory and has a supernatural power that produces a new boldness". Following Dr. Neihof’s heart stirring, passion pack message, a number of people seeking God did so at the alter in the old tabernacle on the Holy Camp Grounds before proceeding to the old dining hall for food and fellowship. And God continues to bless Douglas with wonderful weather.
Bible study takes place at 10:30 every morning. All are welcome.


We are Cross-denominational & Christ-Centered.

All are welcome to our annual ten-day July Campmeeting.

We also host Church Retreat Rentals.

P.O.Box 503
25 South St.
Douglas, MA 01516